Dependency-Oriented Thinking - Documents Released!

I know I haven't been active on this blog for almost 6 months, but I haven't been idle. Ever since Rahul Singh and I conducted our first workshop on "Dead Simple SOA" in Sydney last year, I have been working on the feedback we received, namely that we needed to split "Analysis & Design" from "Governance & Management" because these two topics are of interest to two different audiences.

Splitting out just Governance & Management from the original document "Slicing the Gordian Knot of SOA Governance" was the easy part. I realised that I didn't have much material on Analysis and Design, so I had to write that from scratch. That task ultimately took the better part of a year.

Well, that's completed now, and the two documents are now ready to download from SlideShare:

I have believed for a while now that the core concept behind SOA ought to be "dependencies". I could explain more here, but I'm exhausted after the marathon effort of the last few months. Besides, you'll find a very detailed argument in Volume 1.

Please do download these documents and have a read. More importantly, give me your feedback. My email address is in the "About the Author" section in both documents.


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